Bezeichnung/description | A.F. Ashby Red Winger Special |
Jahrgang/year | 1924 |
Kennzeichen/registration | XO6760 |
Chassis-Basis/chassis base | Riley 11/40 |
Chassisnummer/chassisnumber | n/a |
Chassisjahrgang/year chassis | 1924 |
Motortyp/engine typ | Riley 4-cylinder 1500cc side-valve |
Motornummer/engine number |
Motorjahrgang/year engine | 1924 |
Bodyhersteller/bodymanufacturer | Riley, modified by Ashby |
Rennhistory/racing history |
First application of ASHBY aerodynamic ideas, fitting 'side-skirts' and undertray.
A.F.ASHBY was born in ROTHERHITHE, South-East London in 1903, approximately 1 mile from LAYSTALL ENGINEERING. |