Four-cylinder, 6.12-litre Gipsy Major ex-Tiger Moth. Solid-mounted, upside down and facing rearwards
Bezeichnung/description | Riley Aero Special |
Jahrgang/year | 1931 |
Kennzeichen/registration | FHY100 |
Chassis-Basis/chassis base | Riley 9 Monaco |
Chassisnummer/chassisnumber | n/a |
Chassisjahrgang/chassis year | 1931 |
Motortyp/engine typ |
Four-cylinder, 6.12-litre Gipsy Major ex-Tiger Moth. Solid-mounted, upside down and facing rearwards
Motornummer/engine number |
Motorjahrgang/engine year | n/a |
Bodyhersteller/bodymanufacturer | n/a |
weitere Informationen/more info | siehe Webseite/see website read article in the New Zealand Classic Car magazine |
YouTube videos | video 1; video 2 |
zum Verkauf/for sale | no |