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Bezeichnung/description Riley-Talbot
Jahrgang/year 1934
Kennzeichen/registration CLW680
Chassis-Basis/chassis base Riley 12-4
Chassisnummer/chassisnumber n/a
Chassisjahrgang/chassis year 1935
Motortyp/engine typ Talbot 105
Motornummer/engine number n/a
Motorjahrgang/engine year n/a
Renngeschichte/race history n/a

Based on Riley 12/4 running gear and gear box, Engine triple SU Talbot 105. Bespoke body, aluminium on steel frame, no weather equipment. Fully road legal and all pre-war except alternator and aluminium cylinder head.
The entire car has been completely restored to a carefully designed specification to provide a vehicle fully road friendly but competitive in hill-climbs, and circuit racing. To date there has been no competitive use. New Blockley tyres all round.
Datum/date 18.09.2017


  • CLW680 1
  • CLW680 2
  • CLW680 3
  • CLW680 4
  • CLW680 5
  • CLW680 6